This past Saturday I was invited along to take photographs at a private tour of Ellington Field with a group of VIPs from the charity group "Homes for our Troops". One of the VIPs was Shelton Hank Williams III who was giving a concert Saturday night benefiting the cause. I didn't have an opportunity to speak to Mr. Williams but my impression was that he was a fairly intense individual and I think this photo best captures that intensity.
Title: "Shelton Hank Williams III"
Camera / Lens: Canon 5D Mark II / Canon 24-105mm L zoom
Flash: On-camera Canon 430EX (ceiling bounced)
Post-processing: Adobe Camera Raw > Photoshop CS4 > Topaz Adjust plugin > NIK Viveza plugin
6667 - A Hidden Pond I
1 day ago
Nice environmental portrait Barry. I'd say his expression certainly shows intensity. I also like the industrial background in the shot. It helps the shot look even "edgier".
So a barrel of Jack Daniels was at Ellington? You aren't kidding he has an intense expression! What a lot of detail in his outfit too...scary detail! I can't say I have ever seen a necklace quite like that. You certainly captured an environmental portrait with lots of impact --- great job.
Did you ask to shoot him or did you just happen to grab this shot before he threw something at you?
Great capture of his expression. He appears to have great disdain for being photographed, at least in this photo.
Thanks Larry, Cindi and Doug!
Cindi - The officer giving us the tour made sure to point out that the barrel was empty when Jack Daniels sent it to them! :-)
Doug - Someone else in the group asked him to sit there for a photo and I poached the opportunity. I saw him smile a few times during the course of the day but a lot of the time this was his look. He didn't seem unfriendly or anything, just intense.
Beautiful photos
Thanks Dawn!
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