I drove to San Antonio and back yesterday. The trip to SA from Houston is mostly down I-10. One of the places I stopped to take a few photos on the way back was just outside of Brookshire, TX where I had always wanted to grab a photo of "Tywheelosaurus Rex," a large sculpture of a dinosaur made from old car wheels. If memory serves Rex was originally constructed by a business located on the property to grab the attention of passing motorists. I'm thinking the original business on the property may have been a golf driving range. Someone with a better memory than my own can probably correct me if I'm wrong!
Title: Tywheelosaurus Rex
Camera / Lens: Canon 40D / Canon 17-55mm f/2.8 zoom
Post-processing tools: Adobe Camera Raw > Photoshop CS4 > Topaz Adjust plugin
6667 - A Hidden Pond I
1 day ago
I have seen Rex many times. Never thought about grabbing a shot. You have documented it and in 50 when someone asks, you may know.
I found some references to it via Google much not much real info.
Nice capture of something we've all driven by!
I would like to see this cropped a little differently. You may be using some of the surrounding items to help tell a story, but I think you could stand to lose some of it without hurting the photo's storyline. Most of the tree on the left and at least up to the trailer on the right.
Good job as usual finding the unusual that most of us would just drive right by. You do have an eye for those off the beaten path photo opportunities.
Thanks Wayne, Larry and Doug!
Doug - If memory serves I did crop this some from the original. When I looked at tighter crops I felt like I began to lose a sense of scale. Since I didn't feel that strongly about the tighter crop being a problem I probably could have posted two different versions and then let the feedback from you guys help me decide which was better (a strategy I'll keep in mind for future posts).
As usual thanks for your comments guys!
Great light. I bet that was on really big strobe!
Looking at everything that is in the scene, there are so many good elements that I could see myself spending an hour shooting this one from a lot of different angles.
I like your photo, but I do wish that you had not shot it straight on. I think a little angle might add some interest to the overall shot.
Again, good work.
Thanks Patrick!
When I stopped I had envisioned taking many photos as you suggest but what you can't see is that my lens in this shot is poking through a fairly small opening in a farily substantial fence! There was a Sheriff parked nearby so I didn't spend long looking for a breech in the fence through which I might trespass! :-)
It was really beautiful light by the way but I wasn't sure anyone would notice because of the subject matter. I'm guessing you noticed the gold on the trees in the background?
Great shot of Rex. Saw him on the way back from Sealy just last Tuesday. You've done him "right"!!
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