When you go to a modern movie megaplex to see a movie you enter the theater and the lights are low and usually there is something already going on; either music or the pre-show reel of sneak previews and commercials. The setting can make it difficult to converse with the folks you came with and you never even try to talk to your neighbor. The Corral Theater in Wimberley, Texas is an outdoor theater set in the woods on the edge of town. The Corral is all about community and is as much about socializing as it is about seeing the movie that is currently showing. I talked to Mary, the owner, for a while and she was eager to brag about her little outdoor theater. "There are other outdoor theaters in Texas but they don't get new releases from Disney on the actual release date like I do. After all the years we have been talking Disney knows what I want and they call me now to let me know when a new family movie is coming out." Mary likes family movies and I suspect Mary likes families as well! :-)
Title: "The Corral Theater"
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Below: Choose a metal chair up front (these may possibly be as old as the theater itself) or plastic chair in back or bring your own if you like. It doesn't really matter what you sit on as long as you are comfortable and have a good time!
Title:"Inside the Corral"
Click the photo for a larger version!
Both photos were taken with my Canon 40D and Canon 17-55mm f/2.8 zoom lens. The top photo is an HDR image prcessed with Photomatix. The second image was processed with Photoshop CS3 > High Pass Sharpening > Curves adjustmet for improved contrast > Red Paw Media's Beautifier plugin for a little extra punch.
6669 - A Hidden Pond II
1 day ago
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