Sunday, June 14, 2009


This was taken at the PATH train station near Times Square. This was our first experience on a subway (we don't get out much) and we enjoyed the experience even though it was the middle of the night. This particular train goes from Times Square under the Hudson River to Hoboken, NJ.

Title: "Underworld"

Camera / Lens: Canon 40D / Canon 17-55mm f/2.8


Larry J. Patrick said...

You captured what I normally feel when riding NY subways--I am down in a hole and will never get back-up to see sunshine. Good mood shot which is enhanced by your post processing.

Anonymous said...

I like this one a lot. I've not ridden the NY subway but, I have been on the ones in Boston. Same look, same feel as this shot conveys.

Larry has it right about being in a hole, if riding them is not an everyday occurrence for you. Who knows, the New Yorkers may feel the same way.

Nice job in post. I like the dark nature of the shot, even though you can tell it's lit up to some degree in the tunnels.


Anonymous said...

Barry, this photo feels gritty to me from personal experience on those subways and from the floor there that expresses that also. I was last there in 2006 and they were just banning photos in the subway. See any signs like that?

Larry said...

Nice shot Barry. This one has a great gritty urban fell to it. I think this one would look good printed on an aluminum sheet [like we saw on a recent program night at the clb.] Good job.

Barry Armer said...

Thanks Patrick, Doug, Shirley, and Larry!

Shirley - I'm pleased to say I didn't see any signs of any camera bans or restrictions anywhere. I even carried my camera into the theater when I went to see Billy Elliot and when I visited B&H for a look around.

Larry - I think the treatment you suggest would work well with the photo but I'll have to wait for a sponsor before I can find out! :-)
