The majority of folks commenting on my post yesterday thought thought that the image might be improved by a square crop. I think I like it about equally both ways but I could see how someone might like this crop better.
Title: "Almost Show Time 2"
I thought your last shot was good, it just had a different "feel" to it compared to the one taken in the crowd. That didn't mean it was bad.
I like the square crop. Again, it gives a slightly different "feel".
I definitely like it better this way. It is less cluttered and the Imperial sign stands out much more clearly for me. This crop seems to tell me exactly what your reason was for taking this shot. I like the more close-in feel it has.
Definite improvement. Not only did you get rid of the out-of-place awning, but now the people are bigger in the picture and more part of the story.
Thanks Doug, Cindi and Jan!
As always, I appreciate (and listen to) your feedback!
Barry, even though it was my suggestion, I am with you--not sure which one I like the most. With a simple crop, you have an entirely different look to the image. I guess it depends on what you really want the image to be as to which crop you prefer.
This crop does emphasize the theatre and the light coming from the light much more than your original one.
I wonder what it would look like if you . . .
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