I received lots of terrific feedback on this photo (thanks Larry, Jan, Patrick, and Cindi). I tried to implement as many of the suggestions as I could in my revised post-processing. I'm posting the original crop and two crop alternatives because I really ended up liking all three.
Title: "Three Bridges V2"
Title: "Three Bridges V2 Crop 1"
Title: "Three Bridges V2 Crop 2"
The extra post-processing I did was to add a curves adjustment layer to increase overall contrast, added a Levels adjustment with a layer mask isolating the sky to make the sky much darker and highlighting the clouds, a Nik Viveza plugin adjustment to brighten the area around the third bridge and a Brightness / Contrast Adjustment layer to brighten up the entire image. I also did some cloning and transformations to level out the first bridge along the horizon.
6667 - A Hidden Pond I
1 day ago