Yesterday I stopped for a while at a location somewhat near the Wings Over Houston Airshow to see if I could get a shot of any of the planes. Since I live near Ellington Field where the event is held I'm discouraged from buying an actual ticket to the event because I've seen the huge crowds and traffic problems associated with it every year. If I can grab a shot like this just by being nearby, and not having to deal with on-site organized Chaos then I'm happy! This is the Blue Angels flying in diamond formation!
Title: "Blue Angels Diamond Formation"
Shot data: 1/1000s f/8.0 at 400.0mm iso200
Camera / Lens: Canon 40D / Canon 100-400mm L zoom
Post-processing: Adobe Camera Raw > Photoshop CS3 > Topaz Adjust plugin
6667 - A Hidden Pond I
1 day ago
I totally agree with that "organized chaos" statement! Plus the only difference I can tell between the Blue Angels and the Thunderbirds is the paint on the planes. This looks like you WERE inside the grounds to me and is so sharp and clear you can read the writing and numbers on each plane. Very nice!
Thanks Cindi!
I had my 100-400mm zoom racked all the way out to 400mm which is a 640mm 35mm equivalent on my crop camera. Still this is about a 50% crop. Closer would have been better but I didn't have to fight any crowds for this one! :-)
Nice capture Barry. I was even further away from you (Deer Park), no shots, but able to see much of the Blue Angels "high wire" act from my backyard.
Cindi, it's a guy thing, but there is a difference between the two.
Wish you had been there....would liked to have run into you and picked up some pointers. Great shot, like the use of Topaz, great colors. Cindi - just tell them they all sound alike!
David A.
The use of Topaz brought out just enough details to really make the planes have depth. Good capture and good post processing.
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