Wednesday, May 27, 2009

NY Trip - Day 9 (again)

Although we are actually 0n Day 12 of our NY trip, I'm so far behing in processing pics that I'm posting another couple of shots from Day 9. The first shot is of Lucifer Falls in Ithaca, NY. These falls are located in a narrow gorge in a breathtaking scene. I wasn't able to do the falls justice with any of my shots; this one is as close as I could get. The shot was taken from a footbridge extending over the falls.

Title: "Lucifer Falls"

This second shot is of some of the trees growing up the side of the gorge near Lucifer Falls.

Title: "Gorge Forrest"


Larry said...

Two more great shots! Keep 'em coming...

Larry J. Patrick said...

Again, the people in the shot gives you a much better perspective of the whole scene. Nice soothing photos. Good job.