This is one of those shots that is impossible for a photographer to see and not photograph! Taken at Blanco Settlement in Blanco, Texas weekend before last.
Title: "Birdhouse"
Camera / Lens: Canon 40D / Canon 17-55mm f/2.8 zoom
Post-processing: Photomatix to convert three handheld exposures (-2, 0, +2) to one HDR image > Photoshop CS3 > Duplicate Background Layer > Topaz Adjust "Photo Pop" preset > Duplicate Layer > Topaz Adjust plugin DeNoise to reduce noise > Curves Adjustment Layer to improve overall contrast > Hue / Saturation to increase overall color saturation > Brightness / Contrast Adjustment Layer to brighten up the entire image > Merge Visible to New Layer > Nik Viveza plugin to improve local brightness on the birdhouse > Merge Visible to New Layer > Distort Lens Correction Vignette
6667 - A Hidden Pond I
1 day ago
Another nice shot. Looks like this last trip was pretty productive on the photography front!
Thanks Larry!
I didn't take nearly as many photos on this trip as I though I might have so overall I'm really pleased with the results.
There is a lot in this shot to look at. It seems like there are several subjects you could spend some time on if you get another opportunity.
Thanks Doug!
We're heading back to Blanco Settlement in a few weeks so I should have lots of opportunities to for additional photos.
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