I wanted to bring this photo out of the archives (Feb 08) and onto my blog. It cantains a subtle message that might help someone decide between the two major camera brands as they consider purchasing a camera for Christmas! :-)
Title: "Canon vs. Nikon"
As the Nikonian lies there motionless he lures in the prim and proper Canonian to approach. Thinking the gutter rat was an easy target "C" bends over to claim dominance...but behold! The Nikonian fires off mulitply flashes blinding the Canonian into over exposure. Another one down the tube! The Nikonian grins as he walks into the night. Gutter Rats forever.
David A.
Did you see the 'Nikon Girl' video Scott Kelby posted on his blog, speaking of Canon vs. Nikon? It's hilarious: http://www.scottkelby.com/blog/2009/archives/7449
Thanks David and Jan!
David - Nice story. Doesn't ring true like a photo does thought does it? :-)
Jan - Larry Patrick sent me a link to the vid and that inspired me to post my on "Canon vs Nikon" creation! Hillariously funny vid!!
Barry, you do a heck of a job with a ccccaaanoooonn! It was hard for me to say that. Keep up the good Work! I always look forward to your post.
David A.
Some people think they are funny, others are funny. You fall in the latter group. Good use of humor which I think is one of the hardest things to show in a single frame.
Thanks David and Patrick!
As always, I appreciated your feedback!
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