Here are a couple more photos I took of pots on display at Maas Nursery in Seabrook this past weekend.
Title: "Glazed Pots"
Camera / Lens: Canon 40D / Canon 17-55mm f/2.8 zoom
Post-processing: Photomatix HDR from three handheld exposures (-2, 0, +2) > Photoshop CS3 > Curves Adjustment Layer for overall contast enhancement > Levels Adjustment Layer to set a black point > Merge Visible to New Layer > Topaz Adjust pluding "Spicify" preset > Distort Lens Correction Vignette
Title: "Painted Pots"
Camera / Lens: Canon 40D / Canon 17-55mm f/2.8 zoom
Post-processing: Photomatix HDR from three handheld exposures (-2, 0, +2) > Photoshop CS3 > Curves Adjustment Layer for overall contast enhancement > Levels Adjustment Layer to set a black point > Merge Visible to New Layer > Topaz Adjust pluding "Spicify" preset > Distort Lens Correction Vignette
6668 - Outskirts III
1 day ago
These are really good HDRs for being handheld. I must admit, I have never tried hand-holding a shot for HDR. You have given me a new tool to work with. Thanks!
Barry, do you get this grainy effect with photomatix or something else. I see it in quite of few of your photos.
Thanks Patrick and Shirley!
Patrick - My use of "handheld" is a little misleading. I use it to mean I didn't use a tripod. I may however of used a shelf or tabletop or some other flat surfact at the location in conjunction with my camera's timer! I just call it handheld because my memory is good enought to remember that I didn't set up a tripod for the shot but not good enough to remember if I used a surface and timer!
Shirley - I hadn't noticed that these shots were grainy. I'll have to remember to check out the full resolution versions to see if I see what you are asking about.
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