Taken Sunday morning near San Luis Pass between Galveston and Freeport, Texas. I originally drove down for this shot on Saturday morning but as soon as I pulled onto the shoulder of the road I was stuck in soft sand and had to spend my time trying to get myself unstuck. Fortunately it wasn't long before a good Samaritan with a 4-wheel drive pick-up truck and a tow rope pulled me out. Of course by this time the light was gone and I had missed the shot. Luckily there is always another day, which in my case turned out to be the next day! I parked on solid ground this time (I'm no fool) and got the shot!
Title: "Sunrise Ruins"
Camera / Lens: Canon 5D Mark II / Canon 24-105mm L zoom
Post-processing: Photomatix Pro to combine three exposures into one HDR (High Dynamic Range) image > Photoshop CS4 > Topaz Adjust plugin > Texture from Flypapertextures.blogspot.com
6667 - A Hidden Pond I
1 day ago
Another great beach-scape shot Barry. Hopefully there are more of these high caliber shots coming!
Barry, I like this shot from the forground all the way back to the background with the clouds making a nice setting. There are two things...1)upper left corner looks like two sections of sensor dust??? Doesn't look part of the testure overlay. 2)Strong sun rise from the left tappering down in the middle. Then it looks like the sun wants to come up again on the right. Sun rise from two sides is what gets me the most.
Thanks Anon, Larry and David!
David - The texture I used does have the spots in it you see, which is maybe not the best choice to use when posting to the internet for a sophisticated audience that is looking for dust spots? :-) The sunlight is reflected the way it came out of Photomatix Pro and is true to the way I remember it - stronger on the left then broken somewhat by clouds before breaking back out on the right. It was pretty spectacular which was why I came back on Sunday after getting stuck in the sand on Saturday.
Nah, wasn't looking for that it just popped out. I might add I recently took mine in to have the sensor cleaned...what a difference. Perhaps that is why. Now do I look at your photos close, sure, because they are a great learning tool for me. I am used to seeing very good and interesting images from you. I don't always comment but I am looking. You have a different twist that I like.
I appreciate your comments David! I should, afterall, question the wisdom of using a texture with anything that remotely looks like a dust spot in it when I have other textures to choose from that do not. If we could just get rid of dust spots all together...and taxes. :-)
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